
FermoTemp® Electric Fermentation Heat Wrap

Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $14.00.

SKU: 41978 Category: Tag:


Product Details

Take control of your fermentation with the FermoTemp®electric heat wrap.

To consistently create your favorite beer or wine you’ll need precise control of your fermentation temperature. Attach the FermoTemp to glass, plastic, or stainless steel fermenters using electrical tape. Extra thick construction ensures durability to withstand the knocks and bumps encountered in your brewhouse.

For optimal results, use the FermoTemp with an electronic temperature controller, such as our Dual-Stage Temp Controller.

The FermoTemp works well with plastic buckets, fermentation boxes, and particularly well with our Big Mouth Bubblers®.

It plugs into a standard North American electrical outlet. 110 volts. 35 watts.

Dimensions:Height: 11″ Length: 25.625″


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