Little Book Chapter 5: The Invitation
Little Book Chapter 5: “The Invitation,” is the fifth chapter in 8th Generation Beam Distiller Freddie Noe’s acclaimed Little Book® Whiskey annual release series. This year’s release is both a prompt to fans of American whiskey, as well as a reflection on Freddie’s experience blending and innovating chapters of Little Book over the last five years. Little Book Chapter 5: “The Invitation” invites whiskey fans to explore new and interesting blends, ages and flavors in the ever-evolving world of whiskey, specifically from the Beam family. The Invitation offers a chance for any curious drinker to expand their palette – both seasoned connoisseurs and newcomers alike. The year’s release is also Freddie’s personal reflection on the diverse influences that have shaped his style as a distiller, leading him to create a diverse, yet cohesive, story for Little Book over the years.
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