100% Carignan
VINEYARD: The Colombini Vineyard is a mid-century planting that was installed by Charlie Barra in 1942. Still in production, the Carignane block, off Road I in the Redwood Valley, is a bench land site that contains a diverse mix of Pinole series soils – a well-drained gravely mixture of clay with sedimentary materials. The 10 acre planting has been farmed by the Colombini family since the 1970s and has contributed to everything from sacramental wine to vineyard designated bottlings. Darin Colombini (2nd Generation) is the guiding hand that tends to the vines each year.
WINEMAKING: The handling was gentle, performing no more than two punch downs per day. It was apparent from the beginning that this wine would be special given the juice’s neon-magenta/blackened appearance which provided visual evidence of the potential and forced a delicate hand. The fragrant fermentation lasted a total of 18 days.
AGING: Wine was laid to rest for 12 months in 2 demi-muids. Both vessels were then racked and combined just 3 days prior to bottling.
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