
White House Honey Porter Beer Recipe Kit

Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $18.00.

SKU: 0910 Category: Tag:


Product Details

This original recipe brewed by White House staff is both a callback to the favored beverage of our Founding Fathers as well as an opportunity to come together in an election year and share pints across the aisle. No matter your political allegiance, we can all agree that homebrewing in the White House has to be a good thing for the nation.

More than just simply black and roasty, this porter builds consensus with generous applications of sweet caramel and toasty Munich malts, while moderate bitterness and a pound of honey lets us all find common ground. In a year of divisive politics, we think it’s especially important to remember what we have in common: homebrewing!

The White House Honey Porter is a highly quaffable brew, incorporating roasted malt flavors, balanced with honey smoothness. This beer gives a whole new meaning to the term checks and balances. So let’s put aside our political differences, and celebrate our common passion; the art of fermentation


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